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Season 2 Sneak Peek

Mompreneurship can be scary. As High achiever overachievers we want control. We want to know how we’re getting from point A to point B and how we’re going to turn our dream life into reality. (I know it because I’m right there with you.) 

In 2021 my word was patience. And while it was a challenge… just like it is in motherhood…. it really served me well. It took me from leaving my business of 10 years with NO CLUE on what I was going to do next to putting one foot in front of the other, uncovering my signature framework, connecting with the right women including amazing listeners like you and brought me to this place of calm, ease, peace and focus that just a year ago felt impossible. 

Since then another word keeps coming up that I’m really feeling into and think you will appreciate too which is SURRENDER. 

This is my mantra for 2022. So for the next 20 episodes in Season 2 we’re going to talk about how to do that.

  • How to feel more confident, clear and concise when you’re working in your business. 
  • How to feel less scattered, scared and overwhelmed when you’re putting yourself out there and inviting others into your offer
  • And how to surrender so you can be more yourself, feel supported as you go after your big goals and ultimately be more present + productive.

I’m not the only one here to help you on your journey. I also have an amazing line up of 15 other women to share their strategic structures that we can implement so then we can let go, surrender and focus on doing our thing and what our gut tells us to go for next.

From messaging mavens like Liz McVoy, Hilary Hartling and Amanda Edwards who will help you use storytelling and magnetic messaging to better invite in and serve your Ideal Clients


Marketing masters like Lisa Haukom, Shelby Clement, Cathy Heiflin and Beth Nydick who will help you show up confidently, clearly and concisely when you’re getting visible


Business strategists who are helping us with the basics like Holly Haynes and her 8 hour work week schedule, Emily Vermeer and her collaboration strategy, Serena Shoup and her accounting tips to better manage our profits, Katrina Klooster and her insights on niching and Julie Berninger and her unique business model to increase profits


A few amazing women who are here to help US as individuals like Alissa Boyer teaching us more about working with who we truly are, Mary Houlihan with a guided visualization to help you feel like your future self and Heather Kirwan to share Simple Habits we can create to unlock more Energy.

This season is packed with SO much goodness and I CANNOT wait to share it with you!


Mompreneur Guide Mastermind

FREE Simplify My Biz Event Live Coaching Event | January 31, 2022

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A community of mindful mompreneurs exploring slow living, feminine business, unschooling and living a familypreneurship lifestyle.