Episode 23: 3 Common Themes from Season One

First I want to thank you all

  • All who are listening and spending your precious time growing with me
  • Who are sharing, like, commenting, engaging, reviewing, subscribing and ultimately showing other moms the opportunity this lifestyle offers and how it is possible to be both present + productive. To be around for your kids while having something for YOURSELF so you can follow your dreams and passions and make a real impact (in a simple way.)

This platform is the most amazing gift and opportunity

  • In addition to being the biggest proponent of becoming a mompreneur I would say podcasting now comes in a close second because of all it has done for me in just a few short months.

With so many aha moments this season (and in season two which I’m almost finished recording….. and it’s FIRE!) I’m just so excited to share the cliffnotes, the major aha’s learned + what you can expect in the future.

Before we get started I wanted to quickly share some exciting news (because as one of my business besties now- I want to link arms and dance about this with you!)

  • … this year and season has taught me so many things including the importance of clarity, a simplified business plan and coaching to help you along the way
  • but a piece of that puzzle that I felt was missing in my programs and support was collaboration, networking and community with fellow mompreneurs
  • I’ve found the power of community and collaboration invaluable in my personal journey of growing my business and spreading my message.
  • And know what it can do for you and my clients too.
  • So it was time to bring it all together in a streamlined platform

NOW INTRODUCING: The Mompreneur Guide Mastermind

  1. Templates

To uncover + structure your Simplified Mission Driven Business (aka the vehicle to living a present, productive and profitable Mompreneur life

2. Coaching

  • Weekly from Me
  • Monthly through masterclasses
  • Office Hours with guest coaches
  • Plus a Fast Track VIP Day option for those who need it

3. But most importantly, Networking

  • To amplify the work you’re doing in a fast collaborative way
  • Monthly show + tell and ask event
  • Mompreneur Collaboration Directory (w/ DM capability)
  • Event calendar so everyone can link their network with what you have going on

If you’re a mompreneur ready to get out of the fog of your business, the uncertainty of what you’re doing or what the common thread is or why you’re doing this in the first place and move into a new season with energy, focus, fire and fulfillment for days…. With the biggest group of cheerleaders then this place is for you.

You can learn all about The Mompreneur Guide Mastermind here.

Let’s hop into today’s episode and all the learnings we’ve had from season one to live this present and productive life.

The three biggest takeaways that I have had through all of the episodes in season one are:

  1. MINDSET: 99% of mompreneurship is simply having the right mindset. To thrive and enjoy this journey and lifestyle we constantly need to evolve and grow in this space (which we learned again and again over 10 episodes this season.
  2. CLARITY AROUND YOUR VISION, MISSION, WHY + ALIGNED OFFER: The second thing that I’ve learned in season one is that we really need clarity on our vision, our mission, our why, and our aligned offer to really, truly make an impact in all the others parts of the work we do. Whether that’s branding, serving for clients, marketing, lead generation. The success of this also depends on true clarity + alignment.
  3. SIMPLE SYSTEMS: When we wrap this all together in systems, we can do things more simply. As a minimalist business strategist, I am all about how we can simplify our businesses so we can be more present, productive and profitable.

So let’s dive into these three things deeper and go over the cliff notes of Season One’s episodes and how they all interact.


  • Episode #5- Finding your Current Life’s Purpose
    • From “Do what you love and the money will come” to “what if you don’t know what you love to do”
      • Crucial because it’s the guiding post in everything we do (and where we simplify from again and again)
        • First step we do in our work now
          • Legacy, vision, mission and why mapping
            • First spot people will go when they join the mastermind
  • Episode #7- Cycle Syncing 101: The WHY Behind Your Energy with Ash Mcdonald
    • As women we biologically function differently
      • Explains so much + raises the question:
        • Why not work with our biology
        • Stop making it so hard on ourselves by going against the grain
          • First and foremost, this was a major eye opener and awareness point for me and even crazier when you contrast it to the masculine world we live in (which is based off of different chemicals and ideal working patterns)
      • If I’ve learned anything lately it’s about leaning into our feminine side more so this really resonated
  • Episode #12- 3 Practical Visualization Hacks
    • If I’ve learned anything this year and especially throughout Season One is that it’s all about FEELING more than it is about doing
      • But that can be a hard thing to grasp? How do we force ourselves to feel a feeling and how do we know what we should feel?
        • It was so fun to recognize my process to do this and I’m really excited to dive into this more in Season 2
  • Episode #14- Mindfulness for Mompreneurs with Jessica Gershman
    • Mindfulness= present, being, focus, breathing awareness
    • It’s so hard to slow down and do NOTHING these days but stillness is the key as I’ve mentioned before
      • Loved her tip to pick a color and make it your job to notice it to help bring you back to the present moment and try to actually live here
      • 99% mindset= and this practice helps bring you back to center
  • Episode #19- Why to Simplify
    • Understanding why is a crucial part of Mompreneuring with more ease, clarity, energy and excitement
      • Truly ingraining it in your brain is a total mindset shift that then becomes a lifestyle
        • This episode was eye opening for me to see how simplifying has been my thing all my life and the impact helping people simplify different aspects of their lives has made
          • But more importantly how it’s the true key to being present + productive
            • Which is my mission and role as your Mompreneur Guide + Minimalist Biz Strategist
  • Episode #21- Decluttering Defined Differently with Courtney Florey
    • Simplifying applies to all aspects of life because like I said it’s truly a lifestyle + mindset shift
      • Focusing more on what’s important to you, what brings you joy and has purpose and clearing the mental clutter so you can live with space
        • Let it be easy instead of overwhelming
          • Start by putting one foot in front of the other with baby steps and consistency
            • Because that leads to profound actions and results
  • Episode #22- How to Live a More Joyful Life with Joy Randolph
    • You can choose joy in any moment because Joy reminds us that WE have the choice
      • So asking yourself when the fear and frustration comes up
        • What would be the easier or more fun option?
        • That’s how we’ll start living more generous and abundant lives and can start rewiring our brains in a new way

Clarity on your Vision, Mission, Why + Aligned Offer

  • Episode #9 Presenting Clearly + Confidently
    • Realizing that my confidence and excitement in speaking + presenting comes from
      • Clarity in what I’m talking about > which gives me confidence > paired with extra breathes= sharing my mission and message in a magnetic and unmistakable way
        • It was so fun to uncover my process here
  • Episode #13- Market Less. Sell More. with Michelle Terpstra
    • Two biggest takeaways I think of often from what michelle said:
      • See where you’re of value (Know it takes time and that’s ok)
      • There is a difference between Marketing and Sales
        • Marketing should really be called Lead Gen
          • Having clarity on this and how to do it for yourself is the key to serving more and making more sales
  • Episode #20- Embracing Your Role as a Leader with Grace Blacksea
    • When you lead from your vision
    • And are always looking forward because we can’t go back (car analogy)
      • You are truly being a leader
        • And guess what? You’re one when you don’t even think you are
          • By simply owning your mission + putting one foot in front of the other you’re modeling for your kids, your clients, the world and hopefully generations to come


  • Episode #15 5 Must Have Website Elements with Rachelle Demoskoff
    • Make your site (+ your biz) like your home
      • Give it FEELING
      • Use our feminine to invite + make space for people
      • Invite them in and take them on a journey of nurturing, serving and supporting them where they’re at in a systematized way (that works for you in your sleep)
  • Episode #17- Memberships with Sam Harris
    • Another system to make your life easier because
      • It’s a structure you can setup and lean on
      • Then focus on simply selling into it and serving
        • Which leaves you with more mental bandwidth and creative space
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