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Creating Intentional Content Without Feeling Drained

Megan Moran helping with podcast production

We just got back from a trip to Charleston, which was so insightful. We really got a taste of this future familypreneurship lifestyle we’re so excited to live. 

The trip led to a lot of different conversations on:

  • How do we get there quicker?
  • What actions will move the needle forward and make it happen?
  • What’s the most impactful thing to focus our limited attention on?

And all the while, in the back of my head, those old school marketing voices were making me think: Do I need to record something real quick to stay consistent?

Creating Intentional Content

I tweaked my content creating process from trying to show up consistently to creating intentional content. Here's what happened...

They say “consistency is key!”  By showing up consistently, your people know when to expect you and you always stay top of mind.

But as a creator it makes me feel like I need to push and show up regardless of whether I have something to share or not – Otherwise, I’ll be “forgotten” or I “miss out” (in theory.)

I’ve been thinking about this a lot, and that doesn’t feel like reality anymore.

I tweaked my content creating process from trying to show up consistently to creating intentional content. Here's what happened...

Yes, at one point, putting consistent content out there on a specific day at a specific time, like TV shows did, made sense. You did love waiting for Thursday nights at 7 when Friends came on. You counted on it.

But now, we have the choice as the consumer. We can choose to consume what we want, when we want and how much we want. (One of the many reasons I love Substack.)

And so I think flipping that script as a creator, and a creative, is really recognizing: Does it matter if I show up on the same day at the same time just to stay top-of-mind?

Are my people even waiting for me? No. Most of us don’t recognize when someone hasn’t posted because we come to it on our own time.

And since I’ve left Instagram (other than posting our upcoming Podcasting Moms Conference April 15th in Nashville) I’ve noticed that anxious pull towards the shoulds of showing up has dissipated a lot, which is huge.

My new definition of consistency

I tweaked my content creating process from trying to show up consistently to creating intentional content. Here's what happened...

I want to bring you content because I actually have something to say.

I’ve really been thinking about: coming to things on my own time, slowing down, not pushing. And so that’s exactly what happened with this podcast.

In theory, I “should” have posted this last Sunday. But it wouldn’t have worked for my schedule and honestly, I had nothing to say then.

And in this time since we traveled and I’ve been swirling with my thoughts, I left room for magic…. and stuff worth sharing surfaced. 

No effort. No force. Just flow.

So if churning out content feels like a drain- consider leaving room for magic in your creation process. 

What would it look like to wait for that inspirational hit? That intuitive PING!

Chances are everything will continue to grow in your business even if you don’t send out that forced post that you aren’t feeling good about.

(I’ll be sharing more about our feminine business framework that we’ve been focusing on here on our Substack, which is very much about discoverability and how quality over quantity is what I’m seeing in the actual trends.)

Since recording this episode I had the pleasure of interviewing Kendall Cherry for Tuning In. This episode helped me view consistency in an even deeper way…. and dare I say: consider a new way to show up consistently…. 

Tune in here to hear how we can leave room for magic and show up when it feels good and do it consistently by bottling up those moments and reusing them again and again.

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I tweaked my content creating process from trying to show up consistently to creating intentional content. Here's what happened...
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