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67. How I’m Tackling my Fear of Failure… Head On

Sooooo I got scammed last week… And yes it was a bad situation and not ideal but the bigger takeaway from it was the feathers it ruffled inside me

This mistake hit me to my core because it uncovered how BIG my fear of failure really is

SO I’m challenging myself this month… in fact I’m calling it my Month of Failure

(Like I talk about in the episode- if it worked for Sara Blakely- why not try it!)

So tune in to hear the that good came from the bad… how this incident:
✨ it lit a fire in us to do more in the biz
✨ solidified my desire to bring local back into my biz
✨ showed me what’s most important- my kids and Collin
✨ and helped me work through some deep seated blocks


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