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120. What Life is Like on the Other Side of Slowing Down with Amy Traugh

Image of Amy Traugh

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Meet Amy Traugh

On this week’s episode of the Mompreneur Guide Podcast, meet Amy Traugh- founder of Moms on a Mission, Host of the Motivated Mompreneur Podcast and fellow Northeast Ohioan. 

Together, in-studio, Amy and I shared a lively conversation about our love of mompreneurship and helping more women live both a present and productive life.

“For me my family will always be my priority no matter what.” Amy shared that her children are not just a source of immeasurable joy, but that they’ve also played an invaluable role in shaping her as a business owner. They’ve taught her the importance of balance, resilience, and relentless determination. Breaking through the outside noise saying you have to choose between your career and motherhood, Amy confidently shared: “My kids make me a better business owner.”

And better business owner she has become, pivoting from corporate healthcare employee to 2x successful entrepreneur in 3 short years.

Amy Traugh reflects on how the pause of the pandemic was truly life-changing for her.

“So often we’re just going from thing to thing that we don’t even realize we’re unhappy. We don’t even know why we’re drained at the end of the day. It was really in that slowing down that I got clarity.

I just remember sitting outside with my kids playing in the driveway, riding their bikes and going: ‘This is amazing. I can’t buy this. This is what I’ve been missing and I’m never going to get this time back.

It was at that moment that I asked myself: How do I want my kids to remember me? Do I want them to see the stressed out, burnt out mom? Do I want them to remember that their mom wasn’t there to get them off to school or be there when they got home? 

It stings a little when you reflect on that question, because they’re only little for such a short period of time. I would work 12 hour shifts and wouldn’t get home until after 7 o’clock at night. There were days I didn’t get to see my kids. I was missing that and know I’ll blink and they’ll be adults.

So I thought to myself: what am I doing? Yes, the money’s nice. But there’s got to be more to life than just money? I’ve always had it on my heart to start my own business and now is the time.”

And when I prompted Amy on: What she would’ve done if the pandemic wouldn’t have paused her, she shared:

“Honestly, I wish I would have slowed down years ago because looking back, there were all those red flags along the way. It’s that security that keeps us safe. It’s the fear of the unknown. That: who am I to do this? I’m not qualified to do this. I have a degree- What do you mean I’m not going to use it anymore?

What I learned was that: all of our experiences, no matter what line of work you’re in, help you in your current phase. You’re not starting from ground zero. You’re using all of those skills that you’ve learned in your prior career, in your prior jobs, to help you grow even faster in the now. And at the end of the day, you can always figure it out.

Don’t miss out on life. Don’t let it pass you by. The time is going to pass regardless- so how can you be present in the time that you do have?”

We both agree that when you give yourself permission to pivot- magic happens. 

Even though it can be tough. Confronting generational beliefs passed down to us, recognizing that we don’t have to justify our choices to those stuck in their conditioning- shows that only WE hold the power to make a change in our lives. But to do so you need to break free from self-limiting stories and take control of your own narrative.

You have to do the inner work

In a world driven by constant consumption and the relentless pursuit of ‘more,’ Amy went on to share: “We often think: I need to know more- then I’ll be qualified to do the thing. When instead it comes down to realizing: where am I holding myself back?

How do we identify the blocks? Whether you enjoy meditation, journaling, breathwork, visioning… the list goes on and on… finding a way to address your subconscious and question your ego is the key. 

By addressing our subconscious and questioning our egos, we release the limiting narratives holding us back (which we’re often not even aware of.)

What we focus on grows stronger (so let’s prune the negative to grow the good.)

We wrapped up our conversation discussing the three hardest words for both Amy and me to say: “I need help.” 

Amy shared how growing her team and asking for help has supported her growth– “we’re stronger when we link our arms together.”

This conversation reminds us that real change is possible- it just begins with the inner work. Challenging our beliefs and boldly questioning our conditioning. It’s a powerful reminder that we have the ability to shape our own destinies, make choices that truly align with our passions and values and live our lives just the way we want.

Learn more about Amy & Moms on a Mission:


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Explore the journey of Amy Traugh, founder of Moms on a Mission, as she shares valuable insights on slowing down and finding balance. Join us on the Mompreneur Guide Podcast.
graphic with Amy Traugh
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